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Friday, May 19, 2006

Microsoft's omnidirectional RingCam

The RingCam is an omnidirectional camera, which captures 360-degrees of video. It is constructed of inexpensive 1394 digital cameras (each 640x480).

The RingCam differs from existing omnidirectional cameras, like the OmniCam, in that it is much higher resolution (3000x480), and significantly cheaper.

It requires a single 1394 cable to interface to a PC. Images from each camera are stitched together in real-time to form a high resolution panorama.

RingCam: An omnidirectional camera

A more recent version of the RingCam has an integrated microphone array in the base of the camera, and a privacy shutter (shown below).

Source Microsoft

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Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The Helio Mobile

As technology moves and merges further forward, there's little surprise that we're seeing the likes of this device being touted as the next best thing. The Helio mobile offers Myspace integration, meaning you can actually post to Myspace from the handset. It's not just a gimmick device though, with plenty more to offer in the specifications department: Unlimited Data, picture and text messaging, data transfer, 3G network access, wireless internet, video streaming, and of course the aforementioned Myspace access.

Various plans are on offer that include 3D games that you can try before buying it, video downloading and streaming from varying sources, including major news, sport and music channels. Spec-wise it has a 2 mega pixel camera with flash (4x digital zoom, and MPEG 4 video camera), full screen video (Large 2.2” QVGA, 260K color TFT-LAC, 240 x 320 resolution), duplex stereo speakers. It's packed full and doesn't look half bad either, but the $275 price tag may leave some thinking twice.

Source QJ.NET

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